Tuesday 31 May 2016

ManaKamana Temple, Goddess who fulfills all the wishes

Nepal has always been known for its Natural Beauty and loving people but there are other things which makes this country special and that is from the religious point of view, there are many sacred places in Nepal whichare worth a visit and they hold a very nice history in themselves, one of such a sacred place is the temple of Goddess ManaKamana.
ManaKamana Temple is a holy temple which is dedicated to Hindu Goddess Bhagwati, Manakamana means “any wish from the heart”, It is believed that Goddess Manakamana grants the wishes of all those who visits this shrine.
There is a very nice mythical story associated with this temple
It is said back in the 17th century when the king of Nepal was Gorkha Ram Shah, his queen possessed some divine powers which was known only by this devotee Lakhan Thapa, One day king witnessed his queen in the form of Goddess incarnation (Goddess Bhagwati) and Lakhan thapa in the form of a Lion, the King had a mysterious death after witnessing this surprising fact. The queen committed Sati on his husbands funeral before commiting sati queen assured Lakhan Pal that she would appear in the near future. It is said that after six months when a farmer was plouging his field he saw a stone from which a stream of Milk and Blood were flowing, When Lakhan Singh knew about this incident he visited the place and performed Hindu tantric rituals which ceased the flow of milk and blood. The site where the stone was discovered became the foundation of the present shrine.
This temple is in the Pagoda style and lies 12 kilometer south of the Gorkha region and it is about 100 kilometer drive from Kathmandu
This temple is famous for 3 Main reasons 1) Fulfillment of wishes it is said the wishes are fulfilled if they are wished with a true heart 2) Sacrificing of Animals at the temple, it is said the people sacrifices animals like goats or fly pigeons if their wishes comes true 3) Cable car, this temple is also very famous due to cable car service earlier one used to walk uphill for about 3 hours to reach this holy shrine but now one can easily reach up the hill using this cable car service.

Things to Know before you visit ManaKamana Temple

Main Seasons to visit – Dashain (September-October)
Nag Panchami (July-August)

Operational timing of Cable car – 9am to 5pm and Stops during lunch break from noon to past one
Cost for Cable tickets – Normal – 345 NPR
Child - 210 NPR
Student - 260 NPR
Foreigner (Non Indian) – USD 11
Foreigner child (Non Indian) – USD 8

Note* - Cable tickets rates may have changed

So how many of you want to visit this holy shrine who ful
fills all the wishes ...

To know more about other shrines in Nepal and places to visit , Follow my blogs  

Friday 27 May 2016

7 Interesting Facts About Nepal

Please go through with some of the amazing facts about Nepal

1)Nepali Flag: The Nepal is the only nation which doesn't have a rectangular shape flag. The flag holds two colors Red and Blue, Red is also the sign of victory in war and the blue border is for peace, The two triangles represents the Great Himalaya Mountains. 


2) Always a Free Country : Nepal was never invaded or colonized by any foreign country so they do not have any independence day. 

3) Living Goddess: Nepal is the only country in the world which is having their own living goddess, This goddess is known by the name of Kumari.

4) Yeti: This snowman called by the name of Yeti, its an ape like creature which is known to be living in the coldest regions of the Everest, Not many have seen this creature but stories of Yeti can terrify anyone.

5) One horned Rhino and Bengal Tiger: If one wants to see both these Great wild animals can come to Nepal, Nepal is a place where you can see both the One Horned Rhino and a Bengal Tiger

6) Bamboo as a dish : The dish is called as Tama which is made up of Bamboo Shoots, the taste is awesome one should really try this dish once in a lifetime.

7) UNESCO world Heritage site In Kathmandu: Nepal Holds Many UNESCO heritage sites and Kathmandu valley alone have 7 Heritage sites which are worth seeing.

There are many more interesting facts about Nepal, to know more about Nepal follow our blogs 

Tuesday 24 May 2016

14 Majestic reasons to visit Majestic Nepal

Please go through with top most 14 reasons to visit Nepal which will surely bound you to visit again and again

1) Natural beauty of Nepal : The Natural Beauty of Nepal can amaze you, Beauty of Nepal is like paradise on earth, one of such a place is Pokhara which lies at the foot of Great Mt Everest which will certainly give you an ultimate feeling of viewing heaven on Earth.


2) Mt EverestMount Everest holds the record for the highest peak in the world besides that Nepal has 7 more peaks which cannot be neglected like Kangchenjunga, Lhotse, Makalu, Dhaulagiri, Cho Oyu, Manaslu and Annapurna.

3) Pashupatinath Temple : See and feel the power of Pashupatinath, it's one of the largest Hindu Temple in Nepal which is devoted to Lord Shiva, this great temple was built in the 5th century after Shiva Lingum appeared in the Kathmandu valley.

4) Lumbini : Find inner peace at Lumbini birth place of Gautam Buddha, Visit Lumbini to know understand the real meaning of “buddham saranam gacchami”

5) Chitwan National park : Feel the wild life at Chitwan National Park, you can enjoy elephant safari through lush green tropical and subtropical forest, One horned rhinoceros and Bengal tiger can be seen if you show some patience.

6) Value for money : Food and accommodation is cheap one can enjoy a good Veg Meal at 150 NR and a normal hotel with basic Wifi facilities can charge you up to 500-700 NR, enjoying a vacation in Nepal is pocket friendly as you get so many things to view and enjoy at a very basic price.


7) People of Nepal : You will just really love the people of Nepal due to their sweet and humble nature, People are very friendly and they treat their guests as God, They follow the concept of “atithi devo bhava”

8) Extreme Sports : All the extreme sports lovers Can enjoy sports like Rafting, Bungee jumping and paragliding in Nepal, all these breath taking adventures will surely give you a life time experience.

9) Living Goddess : Nepal is the only country in the world where you can you can see the living goddess, this living goddess is called “Kumari”. The history behind the Living godess will surely influence you to visit Nepal.


10) Nepal Land of Festival : It is said that every day is treated like a festival in Nepal, Nepali culture, tradition and festivals can really amaze you, different festivals like Dusshera (Dasai), Indra Jatra, Sindure Jatra, Janai purnima and other are the main attraction.

11) Lukla Airport : This Airport holds the record of one of the most extreme and dangerous airport in the world. I'm sure you would like to experience it once if you have a strong heart.

12) Trekking : Nepal is famous for its Trekking sites, trekking in Nepal gives an ultimate experience to the tourists who loves trekking, areas like Lantang and Mustang considered to be one of the best trekking sites in the world.

13) UNESCO Heritage : Visit the most valuable sites in Kathmandu and other areas which are listed under UNESCO, Unfortunately most of the sites are demolished by the recent earthquake but visitng the place still gives a mesmerizing experience.

14) Awesome Food : One can enjoy the Delicious food in Nepal, Momos, Thupka, Sinki jhol and Dal Bhat are some of the best vegetarian meals which can be experienced in Nepal if one wants to go for non vegaterian he can try Sekuwa.

I hope these 14 reasons will surely help you as a tourist guide for Nepal
Please follow other posts to know more about Nepal, to know how you can find peace in Nepal.

Friday 20 May 2016

The power of Shiva at Pashupatinath

Pashupatinath Temple is devoted to the Hindu's diety lord Shiva which lies in the banks of Bagmati River, Lord Shiva is known by almost 1008 names out of which Pashupati is one of them, Pashupati means “Lord of all animals”.There are many mythological myths for the origin of Pashupathinath, let me let you one of such a myth it is said that Lord shiva and Parvati were so impressed by seeing the beauty of kathmandu valley they transofrmed themselves into antelopes and walked through the valley, Since Shiva lived by the Bagmati river in the form of an antelope he said he would like to be known as Pashupatinath, He decided to remain there in the form of Shiva Lingam, he also said whoever will come and beheld the Shiva Lingam would never reborn as an animal.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Something about Nepal and Nepali's

While having a cup of tea with one of my client Mr Andrew he asked to tell something about Nepal and Nepali's, he was very much eager to know about Nepal, it's culture, places to visit and much more. I asked him are you planning to visit Nepal? He said yes.
I said Nepal is a place for all, Andrew got stunned at my answer and wanted to know what i really meant. To which I said Nepal is a place which beholds everything from highest mountains in the world to the bravest Gurkha's (Army Men). Nepal is a place for the one who is looking for eternal peace to the one who is looking for extreme adventure.
It just depends on your purpose of visiting Nepal if you want to experience eternal peace there are Buddha peace stupas and many holy places in Nepal like Pashupatinath, Muktinath or if you want to experience extreme adventure you can enjoy different sports like river rafting, paragliding, bungee jumping, trekking, mountaineering,  kayaking and much more. You can experience rich tradition and culture of Nepal which is an amalgamation of Hinduism and Buddhism.
You can enjoy the beautiful experience when the morning sun rays falls on Mt Everest and it shines like a gold.
If I talk about people of Nepal this quote really suits them “ It's hard to snatch a smile from the Nepali's face”. After experiencing such a tragic earth quake which took the life of more than 8800 people, thousands were injured and houses were destroyed they all faced the situation and stood together helping each other to overcome from the pain of this tragic natural disaster. Nepal is a land of openhearted and peace loving people, they are hard workers and i believe they are the perfect hosts. Guests are treated like Gods since Hinduism is followed in Nepal they believe in "atithi devo bhava" which means the guest is equivalent to god.
I guess Andrew will surely visit Nepal and information given by me might have helped him and all the readers who are reading this blog to know little more about Nepal and it's people. Please do visit Nepal to get a beautiful travelling experience of your life and i believe once you visit this majestic country will come back again.

Please do follow the blogs to know the places to visit, things to do in Nepal and much more.