Wednesday 18 May 2016

Something about Nepal and Nepali's

While having a cup of tea with one of my client Mr Andrew he asked to tell something about Nepal and Nepali's, he was very much eager to know about Nepal, it's culture, places to visit and much more. I asked him are you planning to visit Nepal? He said yes.
I said Nepal is a place for all, Andrew got stunned at my answer and wanted to know what i really meant. To which I said Nepal is a place which beholds everything from highest mountains in the world to the bravest Gurkha's (Army Men). Nepal is a place for the one who is looking for eternal peace to the one who is looking for extreme adventure.
It just depends on your purpose of visiting Nepal if you want to experience eternal peace there are Buddha peace stupas and many holy places in Nepal like Pashupatinath, Muktinath or if you want to experience extreme adventure you can enjoy different sports like river rafting, paragliding, bungee jumping, trekking, mountaineering,  kayaking and much more. You can experience rich tradition and culture of Nepal which is an amalgamation of Hinduism and Buddhism.
You can enjoy the beautiful experience when the morning sun rays falls on Mt Everest and it shines like a gold.
If I talk about people of Nepal this quote really suits them “ It's hard to snatch a smile from the Nepali's face”. After experiencing such a tragic earth quake which took the life of more than 8800 people, thousands were injured and houses were destroyed they all faced the situation and stood together helping each other to overcome from the pain of this tragic natural disaster. Nepal is a land of openhearted and peace loving people, they are hard workers and i believe they are the perfect hosts. Guests are treated like Gods since Hinduism is followed in Nepal they believe in "atithi devo bhava" which means the guest is equivalent to god.
I guess Andrew will surely visit Nepal and information given by me might have helped him and all the readers who are reading this blog to know little more about Nepal and it's people. Please do visit Nepal to get a beautiful travelling experience of your life and i believe once you visit this majestic country will come back again.

Please do follow the blogs to know the places to visit, things to do in Nepal and much more.

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